Recipe for Wellness programs

Mindful Frontiers LLC, located in Taos, New Mexico, USA, offers services geared to empowering educators, students, adults and families to grow personally and professionally through creativity and present moment awareness. We can help welcome a mindful future by teaching how to navigate an online and distance-learning educational community.

Recipe for Wellness is the title of a holistic menu of wellness and social-emotional learning programs. The recipes contribute to youth and community empowerment through social-emotional intelligence, creative curiosity and body, mind, spiritual health.

Teacher wellness and self-care is a mindful frontier educators can embrace with courage.

Mindful Educators

Professional Development training for educational staff. Mindfulness training for teachers is the focus of Mindful Educators. Full-day inservice trainings, Half-day workshops or hourly coaching can be customized to a school community.

Teaching mindfulness meditation to children improves attention and social-emotional learning.

Mindfulness in the Classroom

Students benefit from learning mindfulness and meditation. Mindfulness in the Classroom is a 6-week series of lessons for elementary and middle school students. The lessons teach mindful concentration and awareness through the lens of mindful breathing, mindfulness of sound, emotional awareness, body scanning and mindful eating.

Families can meditate together anywhere and anytime.

Families Meditate Together

Families Meditate Together encourages families to bring mindfulness into
their homes and to engage in ongoing meditation practice together. This project reaches families through virtual classes where meditation instruction is shared between parents and children.