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How to Stay Grounded With Visualization Meditation

Quoted in the article by Wendy Wisner and published in Verywell Mind

What is a Mandala?

Quoted in the article written by Lauren David, as published in Mind Body Green.

What You Need To Know About The Best Guided Meditations

Quoted in the article by Lauren Silva as published in Forbes Health.

New podcast on Spotify: Welcoming a Mindful Future

We all wish for a positive future; for ourselves, our family, our children, and our community. How about a mindful future that benefits us and the planet? Anne-Marie Emanuelli, Creative Director and founder of Mindful Frontiers, an education-based meditation center, believes it’s important for families to practice mindfulness together. In this podcast, we speak with people from all walks of life and discuss how to bring mindfulness into their family’s routine. Each episode includes conversations about mindfulness and meditation, a guided practice, feedback plus suggestions for the next steps.

How To Develop Mindfulness During Stressful Or Uncertain Times

Establish a personal mindfulness meditation practice. Seek out meditation guidance and start practicing daily with short meditation sessions, increasing a minute or two each week until you can sit in mindful meditation for 15 minutes a day. There are many excellent meditation apps that can help kick-start a personal mindfulness practice. Mindful Frontiers offers virtual meditation circles, online courses, video guidance as well as one-on-one coaching. Published on Medium, December 19, 2021

Women In Wellness: Anne-Marie Emanuelli of Mindful Frontiers On The Five Lifestyle Tweaks That Will Help Support People’s Journey Towards Better Wellbeing.

Pay attention to the positive aspects of our life. Our brain is wired to pay more attention to negative aspects of life. This comes from when survival was human beings’ main concern. By paying attention to the positive, we move our thinking from the limbic brain (fight, flight, or freeze) to the frontal cortex which is responsible for cognitive thinking and decision-making. When we are mindful, we are using our meta-cognition and we can be more aware. Published on Medium, December 9, 2021.

Earth meditation and nonduality

Being absorbed in nature, one moment at a time Meditation is to be truly present,  to look deeply,  and to recognize …  the wonders of life and the Earth all around you. Thich Nhat Hanh from Zen and the Art of Saving the Planet When life gets “muddy,” I clear my head by going for…

Inviting and Welcoming Silence: 

Have you ever just stopped what you were doing and listened? Deeply listened to the sounds and silence around you? Seems like an oxymoron to be encouraging silence and listening. The kind of silence I’m referring to is one where we are mindful of what is going on in the present moment, encouraging a deep…

Make mindfulness part of your child’s daily routine

August 19, 2021 published in The Taos News

By teaching meditation to young children, stress-reduction skills will be implanted in their brains early, and as they grow and mature they will be able to practice in times of stress. It’s a social-emotional learning skill that has long-term benefits. According to studies cited by Mindful Schools, some of these benefits include “enhanced attention & learning skills, social & emotional skills, and resilience.” Bringing mindfulness and meditation into our family’s daily routine is a healthy skill that helps us deal with life’s challenges. (Click on headline to read online article)

Meditation for Families Workshop at High Frequency Loft in Taos, NM

Meditation For Families: A Beginner Or Refresher Workshop For Families With Children And Individuals

Meditation for Families: a beginner or refresher workshop for families with children and individuals

Where: High-Frequency Loft, Taos, NM

When: Saturday, August 21, 2021 @ 2:00-3:30pm (1 1/2 hours)

Who: Families with children 6 to 11 years old and adult individuals

Why: Mindful Frontiers is an educational-based meditation center in Taos County whose vision is to welcome a mindful future; one child, family, adult, educator, and community; one present moment at a time. Our mission is to teach mindful meditation to people of all ages, backgrounds, and experiences who are curious about enhancing awareness of self, relationships, and surroundings.

How: 1 1/2-hour live-taught workshop with Zoom option. This meditation workshop will include a movement warmup, introductory info on mindful meditation, meditation practice with guidance, discussion, and a closing sharing of “what’s next” intentions as well as a printed list of resources.

Cost/Donation: $15-$25 sliding per individual; $5 per kiddo with parent registration.

Visit Anne – Marie Emanuelli’s website for more information at

Link Tree page for meditation classes, courses and other resources

Anne-Marie Emanuelli, Creative Director at Mindful Frontiers, has teamed up with be. meditation to teach two weekly 30-min Gratitude Meditation classes. Monday 6:00pm PST and Wednesday 8:30am PST. Start your subscription at be. with a month of unlimited classes for $20 with promo code FRIENDS20. There is also a One Week Free Option. Make a commitment to your self-care and try meditation.

Pandemic Fatigue? Transformation, a New Lifestyle and Raised Consciousness are Within Reach

Published on Thrive Global 2/21/21 – Over the past year of social distancing, remote work and reconnecting with home, the practices that have improved my wellbeing are mindful meditation, physical exercise, and equanimity.

Mindful Meditation Brings Hope in Times of Uncertainty

Published on Thrive Global 3/3/21 – Contemplative and reflective practices are ways to welcome hope back into our life. Mindful meditation guides us in navigating difficult experiences with calm introspection and balanced outward equanimity. Whether you’ve tried once and couldn’t sit still or you used to meditate and let the practice go, now is a wonderful opportunity to bring hope into our uncertain world. Start here and now; one breath at a time.

Equanimity: A Mindfulness Practice for the Pandemic-Weary

Published on Thrive Global 2/21/21 – Equanimity is a well-being practice that brings mental calmness, and composure, especially in difficult situations.

Meditation Practices for Active Minds and Busy Lifestyles

Published on Thrive Global 2/21/21 – Mindful meditation is an insight practice in which a focus anchor is used: the breath, sounds, body, walking can all be used for present-moment awareness. Basically, that’s what mindful meditation is: bringing full attention to one thing in the present moment. By doing so repeatedly and routinely, the body and mind learn to relax and settle into the moment. We call meditation a practice because it takes repetition and commitment. Just because someone “tried it once” and couldn’t settle their mind isn’t a reason to give up. Like any healthy habit, we have to practice to achieve mastery.

Mindful Meditation Can Reconnect Families

A pre-bedtime meditation routine for families is a beautiful way to finish off the day.

Published on Thrive Global 2/21/21 – A fun and effective pre-bedtime meditation is the “Body Scan”. Children of any age can practice the following body scans. It would be helpful at first for the parent to provide guidance until such a time when the child is confident enough to do the guidance for the group or silently for themself.

Anne-Marie Emanuelli of Mindful Frontiers: “Reach out to young people”

Published on 2/16/21 – Reach out to young people. Youth are struggling during this uncertain time a lot more than adults realize. Children, teenagers and young adults have minds that are developing; being isolated from their peers and community is taking a significant toll on their mental health. (Read more)

Meditating Together as a Family Welcomes a Mindful Future.

Published on Authority Magazine, 2/13/21 – Mindful Frontiers’ mission is to welcome a mindful future; one child, family, adult, community; and one present-moment at a time. Bringing mindful meditation into a family’ routine is one way to welcome a mindful future. I believe this would transform our world into a kinder, more compassionate, and accepting existence.

Mindful Monday Moments was a live online class at Twirl Taos for 3-6 and 7-10 year olds. Anne-Marie Emanuelli taught mindfulness and yoga weekly from October 2020 through January 2021. There’s an archive of her classes on Twirl’s YouTube channel. Each 15-minute class features mindfulness and yoga. The mindful monkeys, Milo and Mira, helped out from time to time.

How Each Of Us Can Leverage The Power Of Gratitude To Improve Our Overall Mental Wellness – published 2/8/21 in Authority Magazine and Thrive Global.

How To Develop Mindfulness During Stressful Or Uncertain Timespublished 2/4/21 in Authority Magazine and Thrive Global.

Taos News article entitled “Feeling Stressed?”. Mindful meditation and other tools for living through uncertain times. Published 1/28/21 on page C-2

Photo by Pixabay on

As seen recently on Zoom: Los Alamos Library Conversations. “Welcoming a Mindful Future” presentation by Anne-Marie Emanuelli. Live on 1/21/21

Beginning Meditation Practice: A beginning meditation guided practice (16 minutes) for anyone interested in starting a meditation practice or to boost a current practice. Include sitting posture tips, breathing awareness, wandering mind guidance and much more.

Relaxing Body Scan Meditation: a 15-minute body scan practice. The intention is to introduce to the novice meditator the benefits of relaxation that come from awareness on the body through concentrated focus and mindfulness of sensations.

More videos on Mindful Frontiers Youtube channel

Join the Mindful Frontiers community for a live meditation gathering to “(de)Light” in the Moon giving birth to the Sun (as pagan lore believes). Anne-Marie Emanuelli, founder and creative director will lead an introspective meditation using guided breath awareness, poetry and silence. Light a candle or two and a sit in your quiet space. Replay available on Youtube.

Mindful Frontiers contributed to an article on meditation and sleep on Mattress Clarity blog. Will Meditating Help You Sleep? 12/17/20

Mindful Frontiers was guest teacher at Taos Academy, Wednesday, December 2, 2020. Anne-Marie lead the students in a RAIN meditation practice from by Tara Brach.

Anne-Marie shares mindfulness and yoga with children 3-6 and 7-10 year old on Twirl Taos’ Facebook live classes. Join her every Monday for Mindful Moments. 11:00 and 11:30 am US (MST)

Recipe for Wellness: Mindfulness in the Classroom is a pilot project offered to local public and charter school classrooms.

Anne-Marie Emanuelli of Mindful Frontiers: Getting An Upgrade; How Anyone Can Build Habits For Optimal Wellness, Performance, & Focus – (11/17/20) Read the entire article here.

Recently quoted in a blog article entitled, “A Day in the Life of a COVID Teacher.

(11/16/20) Read entire article here